It was actually a beautiful combination that came together quickly. In 2019 a awesome guy by the name of Miles Taylor who has Cerebral Palsy, went viral on social media for deadlifting 2x his bodyweight.
Everyone from the news and magazines, to radio talks shows and celebrities saw the video and heard about the incredibly uplifting the story. It was eventually picked up by Arnold Schwarzenegger and Miles was invited to lift on stage at one of the largest fitness expo's in the world.
We were in awe of the feedback and incredible responses from people literally all over world. Being an advocate for the disabled community and growing up with multiple learning disabilities myself this story hit close to home.
From this event, we created the dis❌ABILITY t-shirt, with the mission to change the way the world views and talks about disabilities.
Heartfelt videos that go viral need to be seen as more than just an inspirational moment for people. We often watch someone with a disability do something we think is amazing and out of this world and it makes us feel good and inspired.
In reality we need to use those videos as teaching moments and show society that individuals with disabilities are just as capable and strong, and when there is a will there is a way! It might just look at little different than the "typical" way and that's fine too! Because a disabiltiy does not define you and it does not have to limit you.
The world responded so well to Miles and the dis❌ABILITY t-shirts that I decided to continue the mission and build a business around disability acceptance, self advocacy and personal growth. And here we are today!
Order a dis❌ABILITY t-shirt & join the community in creating lasting change! Link in bio
Follow @disxability on Instagram for more encouraging content and conversations around disability awareness, advocacy and personal growth.